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El Escritor

Suit Details:

Cavani linen silk wool fabric

Rounded notch lapel

Straight pockets

Cream button highlights



Lorenzo Gomez III Havana 2020 Hotel Hava
Lorenzo Gomez III Hotel Havana Limatus B

Inspired Thought-provoking Intriguing Contemplative Ruminative Philosophical Musing Pensive Reflective  Ruminative Philosophical Introspective Musing Pensive  Consciousness Awareness Contemplative Inspired Intriguing Ruminative Introspective

Lorenzo Gomez III San Antonio Texas Geek
Lorenzo Gomez III Limatus Bespoke Hotel

"As a tech guy, I haven’t owned a suit in over 10 years. The experience was so amazing that I even bought the matching shorts."

Lorenzo Gomez III Limatus Bespoke Hotel
Lorenzo Gomez III Limatus Bespoke Hotel

Lorenzo Gomez III has served as CEO of Geekdom, Texas’ largest coworking space, and is cofounder of The 80/20 Foundation, a philanthropic organization dedicated to investing in the future of San Antonio. His third book will be released October 2020.

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